Framed drawings by Ellie Vergura


Ellie Vergura framed art prints in a living room



Neo-impressionist oil painter artist Ellie Vergura

Chicago-based oil painter Ellie Vergura received her Bachelor’s in Studio Art at Agnes Scott College in 2019.

Her work has been sold to numerous collectors in the States and abroad, including in France, England, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia and Canada. Her work has been exhibited in several U.S.-based group exhibitions and has been featured in magazines including Traditional Home and House & Garden.

In 2021, Vergura was commissioned by Soho Myriad to create a large work for the Tribune Tower Residences in Chicago and was a final candidate artist for the Chicago Hyatt Regency re-model. In 2022, she earned a spot with Level57 Art Studio under the Deljou Art Group and was featured in their Summer 2023 Collection.

Vergura is represented by Jackson Junge Gallery in Chicago, Illinois, Capizzo Studio in Saugatuck, Michigan, and dk Contemporary Gallery in Marietta, Georgia.